Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011 - Kathryn

Today's reading from the Chronological OT/NT Reading Plan is Job 28-29Matthew 13:1-30

I have always found the parable of the sower very interesting.  I've done some broadcasting in my garden and I'm sure we all have.  Grab a handful of seed, toss it out in an as even fashion as possible.  While the human hand can be extremely efficient, it is still going to cast where it won't grow.  A lot of seed is lost, or wasted in the sowing time.  Even when I take care to plant each individual seed in it's own little hole, cover it, pat it so gently, that doesn't mean it will come up.  If any of us have gardened at any time, we know that all four of these situations happen.  I've often looked at this scripture in regards to myself, where am I at?  Which scenario do I fit?  I always hope I am the seed that yields a crop.  But, alas, sometimes I believe I am the seed that gets choked up by the thorns and weeds.  I am a terrible worrier.

However, this evening I saw it in a different light.  We here are fervently studying the word.  Why?  To change our lives?  To become better people?  To get closer to the Lord?  Yes, to all of that.  But I believe the Lord has other plans for us.  Studying the word, discerning the word, it is not a selfish endeavor.  We cannot expect that word which we take in to stay in.  Eventually it's like those cherry tomatoes that came up by themselves last year.  The seed lay dormant in the ground all winter long, endured the rototiller and the kids and the drumming spring rains.  Then it came up quietly, building strength and I let it grow, curious.  Soon, by mid summer, it had burst forth from it's growth to produce an abundance I have not seen elsewhere.  We are like that when we study the word.  We burst forth with the wisdom, as Job spoke about, and the knowledge that God has planted there and caused to grow.  But when we speak (or write) that wisdom, we can expect what happens in vs 1-9 to happen.  I see this passage now as a warning, a 'just so you know' so to speak.  Not everyone we talk to about what we read in the word is going to get it.  And we can take comfort in that.

I've heard it said many times, and I say this to myself, we are called not to be successful, but rather, we are called to be faithful.  We cannot control what sort of ears our words will fall on, but we can control whether we are faithful in our commitments to Him.  It is God who causes the increase, the growth.

But imagine, those who do grab hold of this word and eat it up, look at the fruit that it bears!  The potential for exponential growth is astounding!  The word gets planted in them, it grows and they plant it in others, and it grows and so on.  But the fact remains that the word cannot grow, unless it has been planted.  And it cannot be planted unless it is cast out.  Romans 10:14 says:
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
Be encouraged when sharing the word.  Not everyone will 'get it'.  But that's ok.  The word is clear about that.  But it is also clear that some will!  They just need a chance to hear it.  

Father God, You have called us to Yourself, You have wooed us, and loved us.  And You are doing the same for others, through us.  Your word says that You are not willing that any should perish.  And You move through us to accomplish Your perfect will.  Lord give us boldness of speech and wisdom to know when and what to speak.  We need Your guidance, because we cannot do this alone.  Holy Father we are humbled that You would call us, that You would use us, such as we are.  But here we are, let it be to us according to Your word.  Thank you Father.  We love you.  Amen.

  Tomorrow's passage: Job 30-31, Matthew 13:31-58


Donna said...

Thank you, Kathryn.

Jody said...

I really appreciate your encouragement in sharing the word in this post. You're totally right that not everyone will get it, but that we still need to give them the chance to hear it! So true! I loved to hear Jesus' explanation of what the parable of the sower means. Wouldn't it have been amazing to actually sit across a table from him and hear him speak??? How could you not leave his side changed forever?! And to think we get the sweet taste of it in His Word anytime we want! :)

tammi said...

Thanks for this reminder. I especially like the "we're called to be FAITHFUL, not successful" part. I think that's where I get hung up ~ if I don't think I'm getting anywhere with discussing spiritual things with someone, I count it a failure and don't bother trying again. This is great encouragement to not be quite as concerned if I don't think I've hit fertile ground.

Tammy said...

Great points Kathryn. I love that Romans passage and it fits so well with this parable.

I, too, love the "we're called to be FAITHFUL, not successful" part. We often get disheartened when we don't see the results we're hoping and praying for, and it is so tempting to give up (which is, of course, exactly what Satan is trying to do by discouraging us). But we need to remember that we are not the ones that cause the seed to become an abundant crop or the crop that fails. We are simply called to sow. And let Him work.

Miriam said...

I totally agree with Tammi & Tammy. So often we want to see results and when we don't see them (or at least, not right away) we get discouraged and want to give up. Thanks for the encouragement!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Something that struck me in the Job reading was verse 28 of chapter 28:

"And he said to the human race,
“The fear of the Lord — that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.”"

I often think of wisdom in terms of what I should be DOING with my life . . . what is God's will for me to actively pursue? Should I study this or that in school . . . what kind of career should I build and how high should I go? Should we move or stay, give to this mission or that, volunteer here or there? What should I say to my child when he/she comes to me with a problem?

But this verse says wisdom IS the fear of the Lord. If I learn how to revere God as I should . . . to worship Him with all I have . . . the "doing" portion of my life will have wisdom as its foundation, no matter what I'm doing. I need to seek the Lord simply for the sake of seeking Him, rather than seeking the Lord so I know what my next career move or church project should be. I never looked at it that way before.

Dana said...

It can often be so discouraging when my friends don't seem to want to hear about the word. Thanks for the encouragement! My favorite verse in this passage is Matthew 13:12...

'To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.'

Listening to the Holy Spirit is very important and I have been learning that more and more this year.

Pamela said...

Great thoughts. I also feel discouraged when it seems like my seeds aren't sprouting and how true it is that we are not called to grow the seeds, just to plant them.