Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday, August 9th

Today's reading from the Chronological OT/NT Reading Plan is Psalm 147, 148, 1 Corinthians 4

I want to briefly focus on a few verses that jumped out at me as I read today's passage.

His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of the warrior; the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. Psalm 147:10-11

We can't impress God by what we do for Him. He delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. He delights in those who recognize His absolutely holiness and our abject failure at measuring up to the perfection required to have a relationship with Him. He delights in those who do not try to reach this unattainable perfection in their own strength. He delights in those who, instead, put their hope in His unfailing love.

At the time, the Psalmist didn't know about God becoming man and dying to pay the penalty for sin that we deserved to pay. He didn't know about Jesus rising again in an ultimate display of power, conquering death and Satan. But we know, and so this verse takes on an even deeper meaning for us.

Therefore I urge you to imitate me. 1 Corinthians 4:16

Wow. Now that is a strong statement.

Am I living my life in such a way to be able to make such a statement?

Does my life reflect Christ's to a such a significant degree that I could urge others to imitate me?

That is huge.

And the thing is - whether I verbalize it or not, that's what people are doing. Because I claim to be a Christian, a Christ follower, a disciple - other people look at me and what they see hugely impacts the way they see Christ.

Not only that, but whether I am consciously discipling anyone or not (and I SHOULD be - the Great Commission does not apply only to pastors and missionaries, but includes ALL Christians) - I am absolutely discipling my children. And as we all know, children are imitators if there ever were any. And as their mom, as the one they spend the majority of their time with, as the person who has a huge influence and impact on their worldview, their view of Jesus and their assumption of what being a Christian looks like on a practical level - I say that verse to them every day whether I like it or not.

I do. We all do.

And so I need to wake up to the fact that they are imitating me. And because they are imitating me, I better make it a priority to imitate Christ - every day in every way, especially when "no one" is looking. Because our kids, they see everything. They see us at our worst, they see us without our masks on, they see us as we truly are - the good, the bad and the ugly.

I sang the following sang in church for Mother's Day a few years ago (changed a few words so it made sense for a woman to be singing it) and it fits perfectly here.

I Want to Be Just Like You by Phillips Craig & Dean
He climbs in my lap for a goodnight hug
He calls me Dad and I call him Bub
With his faded old pillow and a bear named Pooh
He snuggles up close and says, "I want to be like you"
I tuck him in bed and I kiss him goodnight
Trippin' over the toys as I turn out the light
And I whisper a prayer that someday he'll see
He's got a father in God 'cause he's seen Jesus in me

Lord, I want to be just like You
'Cause he wants to be just like me
I want to be a holy example
For his innocent eyes to see
Help me be a living Bible, Lord
That my little boy can read
I want to be just like You
'Cause he wants to be like me

Got to admit I've got so far to go
Make so many mistakes and I'm sure that You know
Sometimes it seems no matter how hard I try
With all the pressures in life I just can't get it all right
But I'm trying so hard to learn from the best
Being patient and kind, filled with Your tenderness
'Cause I know that he'll learn from the things that he sees
And the Jesus he finds will be the Jesus in me
Right now from where he stands I may seem mighty tall
But it's only 'cause I'm learning from the best Father of them all

Tomorrow's passage: Psalm 149-150, 1 Corinthians 5


tammi said...

That "imitate me" statement always hits me. I often excuse myself because I wasn't the spiritual hero that Paul was, but I know it's only an excuse ~ and a weak one at that! Because my spiritual condition is my own fault as well. I am the only one who can do anything about it. I shudder sometimes when I think about the people around me and wonder if they live the way they do because they're imitating me.

Miriam said...

Great post. Love the song.

Dana said...

Great reminder! Every body watches us to see how we live and handle different situations. Imitating Christ is critically important. Thanks.

Pamela said...

Great post. That verse stood out for me today too. We do not live in isolation and everything we do is being watched. This is a good reminder to be mindful of what others are seeing.

Jody said...

It is so true that they are ALWAYS watching. And so are those around us. We never know where someone is at on their journey when we encounter them, and how important to act out the love of God even before we speak of it. And - that's a great song. I'd love to hear you sing in church, let me know next time!!