Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday, November 1

Today's reading from the Chronological OT/NT Reading Plan is Jeremiah 51, Jeremiah 30, Hebrews 7

Wow, it's November already. Time is sure flying this year - which also means we're on the homestretch of our Bible in a year reading plan - way to go everybody!! I've really appreciated all your insights, contributions, encouragement and accountability. Thank you all so much.

There was a little passage in my Life Application Bible that really stuck out for me regarding our reading in Hebrews.

Jesus has a permanent priesthood. He should be everyone's ultimate authority for spiritual life. In our culture today, however, many people have advisors and counselors whom they elevate almost to the role of priest. People look to political leaders, lawyers, physicians, insurance agents, and financial advisors to provide hope, long life, and security against all disasters. Many Christians regard the advice of priests and ministers, Christian friends, and even pop musicians before they consider the words of Jesus written in the Bible. Make sure your first allegiance and priority is to know and follow the advice given by Jesus. (emphasis mine)

There's nothing wrong with getting advice from pastors, counsellors, godly friends - or even lawyers, doctors and insurance agents when it has something to do with their specialty.

But they shouldn't be our "go to guy".
Jesus needs to be our "go to guy"!
The Bible needs to be our "go to" instruction manual, parenting resource, etc.

Our first allegiance, our first priority needs to be turning to God, turning to His Word, turning to Him in prayer, seeking His guidance.

And any other advice we're given, no matter the source, needs to be compared to this Truth. That has to be our plumbline or we're going to be led so far off track and we won't even realize it.


Hmm, where have I heard that before?! ;) Ah, the reason for this blog!

I feel like I say it over and over and over again, but I'm just finding it to be so true. As we're gone through this journey together, I've discovered so many things about God's Word that I never before. (parenting lessons in Jeremiah anyone?!) Plumbing the depths of the Bible is a never-ending task because we can never reach the end of our understanding. We can always learn more. The Holy Spirit gives us insight as we're ready for it, and more and more is revealed the more we study and apply what we've learned.

Just like Jody's post from yesterday - we need to keep on keeping on!

Tomorrow's passage: Jeremiah 31-32, Hebrews 8


Jody said...

So true Tammy, how often do I go to friends for advice before going to God. Again, nothing wrong with consulting the people around you, but God needs to be our "go to guy". Thanks!!

Miriam said...

I read the Bible passage yesterday, but forgot to read the blog post! Thanks for the reminder that everything needs to be compared to the Truth. My problem comes in when I don't really understand a Bible passage and then go looking for information to help me understand it. The explanations (just like so many self-help books, etc.) always sound very intelligent and reasonable, but that doesn't always mean they are correct.