Saturday, December 16, 2017

Saturday, December 16th: Amos 4-6; Revelation 7 ~ Tammy

Today's passage from the Bible In a Year Reading Plan is Amos 4-6; Revelation 7

Revelation 7:17b ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
Life on earth is hard.   There's no doubt about it.  Everyone goes through hard times.  Some people to seem to get more than their "fair share" of trials and tribulations in this life, but no one escapes earthly life unscathed by sin and its effects on our lives.

But this verse gives us hope to make it through those time.

Eventually, all WILL be made right.
Eventually, justice WILL be done.
Eventually, God WILL wipe away EVERY tear.

There will be no more mourning.  There will be no more tears.  There will be no more sorrow.

What a promise, what a comfort!

Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage:  Amos 7-9; Revelation 8

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